Wenjing Fan
'Quick & Dirty', 2018

First exhibition in the coco's room, curated by colleagues Helen Dear and Constanza Guedes. It's the first chance to collaborate with the peers in a limited space and without knowing each other very well. It showed that good communication and time controlling are very important in the exhibition.
Very great chance to experience how to negotiate with curators and other colleagues, and have a quick complement of the work.

'Corridor Exhibition', 2019.1

Group member: Xiaoxuan Li, Anna Maria, Stefan Kaufmann, Wenjing Fan.
Through group meeting, our members thought about finding a common concept through our pervious practice. Then, we decided to focus on the conflict in social problems.
It's the first time to work with a small group and everyone bring up their own work ,which we felt that it would not be easy to unified. What's more, because the limitation of equipments in corridor space, we can not use plug to play the projector. It is a real good 'in the field' to communicate with each other, plan a small exhibition and complete the installation with member's help.

Art Parlour 2019.2
Group B member: Claire Michel, Julia Silvester, Julia Silvester, Shijia Zhang, Bozhi Yang, Chuanzi Huang, Nicola Siebert Patel, Wenjing Fan.
We had the tour with Wimbledon MFA graduated student Dan Curtis to visit to art space in Peckham. We have seen how artists taken varies of routes to survive and sustain their practice. Beyond that, with the explanation by Mr. Hamish, I realized how artist groups impact on the city development from different aspects.
In the next week, our group made a feedback on the problems artists would meet in their career, the humor supposition of the possibility of the exhibitions, and how to build a 'brand'.
From my perspective, I believe artist is a very special career and with certain magical and unexpected power, due to their dedication,curiosity, divergent thinking and problem-solving ability.